History of Angular

Angular image
Miško Hevery

Prior to its release, a Google employee by the name of Miško Hevery, was developing a side project. This side project was to help make building web applications easier for a couple internal projects he was working on. This side project later became known as AngularJS (Angular because of the < > in HTML). Angular is used as the frontend of the MEAN stack, consisting of MongoDB database, Express.js web application server framework, Angular itself (or AngularJS), and Node.js server runtime environment.

Angular Introduction

What is Angular?

Angular Template Syntax

             < input [value]="firstName" >
          < div [attr.role ]="myAriaRole">
          < div [class.extra-sparkle]="isDelightful">
          < div [style.width.px]="mySize">

Defining Template Reference variable

HTML Element

             < input type="text" #firstName>


          < app-customer #customerList=”customer”></app-customer>